Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adelline is ADORABLE at 1 Month

We are definitely off and rolling this month. We are seeing many more social smiles, which makes interacting with Adelline that much more enjoyable. She is an active little girl, with lots of leg kicks and arm movements. She also loves to observe and keep her eyes on you! We just started introducing an E.A.S.Y. schedule of Eating, Activity, Sleeping, and You (Mommy time) this month. So far, it’s going really well. Out of the five types of babies (angel, textbook, spirited, touchy, and grumpy), I would say Addy seems to be a textbook baby. We are still working on sleeping through the night on a consistent basis! I am very excited for that milestone.

While Addy is sleeping, we will hear her laugh and sigh in a high pitched voice. It’s adorable!

Now when Addy’s hungry, she shakes her arms very vigorously. Unfortunately, we don’t see the woodpecker very often anymore.

Addy loves to nap on Daddy’s and Uncle Jay’s chest.

Addy is all smiles now, except when Mommy gets the camera out. We are glad to be in the digital era, since it usually takes ten shots to get a decent photo!

Addy sometimes sucks on her arm to soothe herself.

Addy was baptized this month at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Baraboo. She did a great job on such a long day! She cried a lot during the ceremony, but afterward, we were able to get some nice family pictures. Addy took a nap during her party and then slept all the way home.

We bought a nursery rhymes CD for Addy, without knowing that it was actually the hip hop/rap/funk version. Daddy and her love rocking out to “Ol' Motha Hubbard” and others.

We were able to make a video of Addy as the “sleeping sloth.” She was perched on Daddy’s arm, completely relaxed, just like a sloth in a tree!

Addy loves getting her diaper changed, taking a bath at the “baby spa,” staring at lights, practicing tummy time, being naked, swinging, playing in her Jumperoo, kicking in her bouncy seat, looking at art cards, reading stories, going on walks outside, riding in the car, and looking at everything.

One day, we had to see Dr. Smith because Dr. Bellissimo was out of the office. He was impressed with Addy’s eye contact and asked if we were feeding her cream because of her huge weight gain since her two-week-old appointment. Apparently, Addy is a growing girl! Addy also simultaneously sneezed and pooped on the exam table during this appointment.

Addy was quite the character at her first baby storytime at the public library in McFarland. She was fussing at the beginning and then proceeded to loudly fill her pants while the librarian was in the middle of a quiet story. After a diaper change, she was STARVING and needed Mommy to nurse her in the back of the room while all the others went on a “walk” to “see what they could see.” I was waiting for one of the one-year-olds to yell out, “I see a booby!”

Daddy continues to have diaper changing issues. This time, he decided to blow on Addy’s butt to dry it off. Luckily, Mommy had her arm up, thus blocking the explosion that would have hit Daddy right in the face!

Addy officially rolled over from stomach to back, and she’s starting to babble a little bit.

Addy just “discovered” her hands and tries using them to soothe herself. She sometimes misses and punches herself in the face or sticks them too far into her mouth and chokes. Poor girl!

Addy is now finding ways to move around her crib. In the morning, we sometimes find her on the opposite end or perpendicular to the sides.

Addy is also starting to play games with Mommy and Daddy. When she’s supposed to be going to sleep, she starts making funny faces and smiling. It’s so hard not to laugh! She is also very good at giving us the “pouty” bottom lip right before starting to cry.

We are still teaching Addy how to self soothe for naps and bedtime, but we did have several full nights of sleep this month!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pooing loudly at the library and at the dr.'s office!! Ewwwww.


Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes