Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Adelline is A MIRACLE at 0 Months

We are so blessed with a happy, healthy, and beautiful little miracle. Welcome to our family Adelline Grace Roltgen!

During an initial exam at the hospital, Addy’s pediatrician, Dr. Bellissimo, called her “spunky.”

When Addy’s hungry, she bangs her head against the chest of whoever is holding her, just like a woodpecker. We even managed to get our little woodpecker on video!

We love Addy’s funny faces! She has several good ones including the Elvis lip, pirate eye, eye roll when she’s almost asleep, lots of half smiles and twitches, and many mouth-wide-open shots for photos. She loves sticking out her tongue.

When Addy starts waking up, she arches her back and S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S.

Our little Addy is quite the heavy breather. And of course, she does this when Mommy’s trying to nurse under the Hooter Hider, so bystanders just see a little pair of legs sticking out and hear lots of heavy breathing coming from under the blanket covering Mommy’s breasts!

After eating, Addy usually lapses into a “food coma” from all the good milk!

Many people have commented on how much they love the name Adelline. Michelle Garvey said, “Oh sure, leave it to a math teacher to name his kid ‘Addy.’” Hmmmm, that doesn’t bode well for your brother “Subtracty,” does it?

Daddy has some problems when it comes to changing Addy’s diaper. He tends to get poop on the changing table, her socks, his hands, the Kleenex box, and most recently, his clothing. Apparently, he wasn’t ready with Addy’s new diaper, and she shot out diarrhea onto his nice dress pants. Too slow Daddy!

We already have lots of nicknames for Adelline. Aunt Britty calls you Monkey or Monster, depending on your mood. Mommy calls you Sweetie Pie, Addy Girl, Munchkin, and Honey. Daddy calls you his Little Girl, Fussy Pants, Squawk-asaurus, Pumpkin, and Peanut. Mommy’s friend Susan Vance wondered if we would call you “Line” for short.

Mommy is slowly getting more comfortable with nursing. She has learned the hard way to cover up immediately after feeding you so she doesn’t accidentally forget. She sincerely apologizes to the nice family in the Red Robin parking lot who experienced an unexpected “booby sighting” when she got out of the car to put Addy back in the carseat for the trip home!

Addy is really good at holding her head up during tummy time. She is a strong little girl.

Addy is not a big fan of her bottle. She pretends she doesn’t know what to do with it and just smacks away at the nipple between screams. We will keep working on this!

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes