Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Adelline is ACTIVE at 2 Months

I can’t believe how fast Adelline is growing up. I want to keep her little forever! We find ourselves laughing every day at the funny things she does. Her smiles and dimples melt our hearts. We are so blessed with a beautiful, healthy, happy, and easygoing baby!

Addy loves playing with her activity gym. She kicks her legs and waves her arms, hitting the rattles hanging overhead. Her eyes get really big as she tries to focus on the rattles and mirror.

Daddy likes to “play” with Addy by doing things he enjoys. He spends hours telling her about fantasy baseball and football, looking at Salvador Dali paintings, reading math books, and listening to what Mommy calls “druggy music” (Pink Floyd, Eric Clapton, and Tom Petty). I overheard him reading a very racy-sounding title for one of Dali’s painting. I was waiting to hear how he was ever going to explain that piece to Addy, but he followed it with, “I don’t think this one is very appropriate.” What a Daddy!

On football Sundays, Addy is usually on the floor playing with her activity gym. Sometimes she catches us watching a big play on TV and tries to crank her head and neck around to see what we are looking at. Her eyes are rolled all the way to the top of her head as she tries to view the screen with us. This has prompted the phrase, “NO TV FOR BABIES!” She is very persistent, even when we move her to a new position or a different activity.

Addy’s bedtime routine involves taking a bath, changing into her sleeper, eating, reading “The Going to Bed Book” and “Goodnight Moon,” closing the blinds, cuddling, praying, and saying goodnight. She goes to bed around 8:30 p.m. and has been sleeping until 6 a.m. WOO HOO!

Another little girl at Addy’s library storytime is named “Adelle.” A Colby Library patron named her daughter “Adella.” Great-grandma Adelle said she saw a birth announcement for an “Adelyn Grace.” According to Social Security Administration statistics, the most popular female baby names for 2009 were (1) Isabella, (2) Emma, (3) Olivia, (4) Sophia, (5) Ava, (6) Emily, (7) Madison, (8) Abigail, (9) Chloe, and (10) Mia.

Addy’s new nickname is “Bubbles.” She is a drooling, bubbling baby!

We found Addy a “Jumperoo” on Craig’s list after she tried out a similar toy at a friend’s house and liked it. After picking it up, we soon learned that Addy simply likes to look at the little yellow plastic monkey. She just stares intently and smiles, especially when we move him around and make noises. Apparently, we could have just purchased a two-inch plastic monkey, rather than the huge “Jumperoo!”

On the way home from a trip to visit friends, Mommy and Addy stopped at a gas station to take a break, eat, and play. Soon after starting Addy’s diaper change, Mommy discovered poop soaked through diaper, clothes, and carseat. Grandma Gretchen said Daddy did the same thing when he was little. Like father, like daughter!

When Addy starts getting tired, she cries and spits at the same time. As she’s trying to fall asleep, she rubs her eyes and face while turning her head to the side and whimpering. It’s so cute! Addy also loves sucking on her hands when she’s trying to fall asleep.

Addy will lift her butt and legs during diaper changes to help you wipe her off easier.

Addy has a very dry scalp. The doctor recommended baby or olive oil. We didn’t have any baby oil in the house at the time, so now we call her our little “Olive Oil.”

For Halloween, Addy dressed up as “pumpkin pi,” thanks to Grandma Gretchen’s sewing talents. Dad was a dorky math teacher, and Mom was a chef. Math teacher + chef = pumpkin pi! We went to a “Baby Costume Party” at Matt and Lara Ida’s house.

Addy loves the “airplane” position. She lifts her head to look around as she soars through the air. If we’re lucky, we catch her drool with our socks!

Addy has learned that if you simply flail your arms and “convulse” in the “Jumperoo,” the music will start playing again.

Addy is able to self soothe for naps and bedtime most of the time. Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Mark can’t believe it and still want to rock her to sleep.

When we are visiting Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Mark, they are always trying to let Addy skip naps and stay up past her bedtime. The last time we were home, an exasperated Mommy asked, “Have you two completely forgotten how to be parents?” They just laughed and said something about “payback!”

Addy has started grabbing onto her bib and pulling it over her face. This prompts a lot of “peek-a-boo” sessions!

If you walk out of the room for a minute, you’ll sometimes come back to find Addy under her bib with no idea how to move it back down. This also happens with her blanket in the crib, so we now have to tuck her blanket into the sides of her mattress to make sure she hasn’t pulled it over her face while she’s trying to fall asleep.

Addy is really starting to “talk” this month with lots of grunts and sounds. Sometimes she “sings” by saying “eh eh eh” over and over again!

Addy continues to sleep like a baby in her carseat (2 hours+) but will only take 30- to 45-minute naps at home for Mommy!

Daddy and Mommy were both home when Addy laughed for the first time. Mommy was making silly noises and touching noses with Addy when we heard a big gulp of air followed by the cutest little “heh heh” sound!

Dr. Bellissimo said we need to keep the “folds” of Addy’s neck and (double) chin lubricated to prevent infection, so every morning and night, we get out the Vaseline. This is a story she’ll love when she’s sixteen!

1 comment:

  1. I love the last comment about the vaseline and the "folds". Baby fat is soooo cute!! Sleep sacks help the blanket tucking issue:)


Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes