Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Adelline is AUDACIOUS at 1 Year, 6 Months

Daddy’s coworker commented that her household can only handle her being gone one night of the week. When hit with the second round of flu this winter, I could definitely relate. Daddy is amazing at taking Addy on adventures to Menards, the zoo, the airport to watch planes, and the mall play area, but the house seems to fall into federal disaster zone status within a matter of hours when they are both home unsupervised. It is almost mind boggling how fast they can go through toys, snacks, and laundry. I find myself exasperated as I follow their “trail” asking, “Are you playing Hansel and Gretel?” to which Addy and Daddy flash their most innocent faces before running away to avoid the question.

Well baby check-ups continue to be a source of great anxiety for Addy. We talk about all the things the doctor and nurses are going to do ahead of time, but it never fails that the screaming starts the minute we exit the waiting room and does not end until a teary child waves and says BYE to the nurse. Addy has also added ALL DONE signs and loud NO NO NOs to her doctor’s office repertoire. Meanwhile, Mommy and Daddy try to discuss concerns and ask for advice over the wailing. Dr. Bellissimo is always so patient and assures us things will turn around by the time Addy is a little older...maybe as a teenager!

Addy tells us a sheep says BAH, and a bunny goes HOP HOP. She also says CHE (cheese), WA (wallet not to be confused with WA for water!), BOO (boot), HUG, RO (roll), BOW (bowl), HOE (Hooey), and BATH. Addy likes repeating numbers and letters such as O, I, B, J, one, and eight.

Addy loved the Zor Shrine Circus. We were amazed she was able to sit through a two and a half hour show with only a couple snacks and a few squirmy moments. She was fascinated by the animal acts and the motorcycle cage and jumps. Daddy almost gave in and bought a huge circus balloon as Addy’s OH OH OHs and ecstatic pointing drew everyone’s attention to the balloon display making its way down the aisle toward us. For the record, Daddy and Addy exited the elephant ride line after they were close enough to see the price—$15 PER PERSON!

Aunt Britty came to visit, and it was so neat to see Addy interact with her at this age. They had lots of fun setting puzzles, building block towers, and snuggling on the couch with books. Aunt Britty started a routine where Hooey the Parrot sneezes by saying, “Ahhhh-Hooey,” which is now part of our daily activities.

Addy surprised us all by going #2 on the potty when Aunt Britty was here. Mommy could hear Aunt Britty laughing and Addy saying UH OH over and over again in the bathroom. Apparently, Addy had gotten up a little too soon from the potty and left a trail of poop halfway across the bathroom. Mommy kicked Aunt Britty, who then remembered she should be praising Addy instead of laughing.

During Aunt Britty’s visit, the car alarm went off because the trunk was left open. Addy was very concerned and wanted to tell us the story over and over again, mostly by saying YEAH YEAH YEAH and pointing out the window. This continued throughout dinner and bedtime routine. It began again the next morning as Addy had to inform Daddy about the events of the previous night.

Addy is very impressed with the bear toddler bed we borrowed from Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Mark. She likes sitting on the bed, growling, and petting the bear’s face while reading books.

One night before bed, Addy ran to the refrigerator, motioned frantically for us to open the door, and then pointed emphatically to the pickle jar. As Mommy chided Daddy for introducing Addy to a pure-salt snack, Daddy denied any involvement. Apparently, Addy figured out on her own why we all love Grandma Dell’s dill pickles.

Eli was conveniently “busy” during clean-up time at daycare. Addy decided to go over and “explain” to him what he was supposed to be doing. She leaned forward to get in his face and babble several sentences. Eli just stared blankly at her, but he did decide to wander over and put a couple blocks away after Addy’s very intense reminder. Mommy and Daddy are already worried about parent-teacher conferences!

One night before bed, Addy was yelling MO MO MO at Mommy in the kitchen while Daddy was trying to tell her that she had enough cheese and could have a bagel if she was still hungry. Mommy reiterated what Daddy was saying as Addy became more and more frantic and upset. As Mommy and Daddy looked at each other wondering how to diffuse the situation, Mommy realized Addy was saying MO (moose), not MO (more). Sorry sweetie girl!

When Mommy was at the sink rinsing dishes, Addy climbed into her highchair and caught a glimpse of the swingset catalog sitting on the table. She proceeded to S-T-R-E-T-C-H herself with legs on the chair and hands on the table to reach the catalog. Mommy turned around just in time to witness and rescue our little human bridge builder before she faceplanted on the floor.

We had a great family weekend in Stevens Point for the annual Point Bock Run. Addy loved staying at Uncle Thomas and Aunt Angela’s house. She was thrilled with all the “playmates” there, namely many different stuffed animals throughout the house and Thomas and Angela’s college friends. Mommy and Daddy were very impressed with Addy’s friendliness, as she has been a little shy of new people and places in the past.

Addy loves playing peek-a-boo by putting her hands over her eyes, usually while still peering through her fingers to make sure you are playing along.

Addy, Eli, and Lily enjoy playing with the “texture box” Mommy put together for them. The coveted toy consists of an old shoe box with a hole cut in the top, so the kids can put their hands in and search for various items. They also love putting the beaded necklaces from the “pirate treasure chest” around their necks. Who would have guessed all those “precious” souvenirs would be so useful someday?

During Addy and Eli’s playdate at the Verona pool, Daddy dunked Addy under water several times after asking her to close her eyes, counting to three, and blowing in her face right before going underwater. Addy seemed to like it. She is also getting better at kicks in the water.

Addy was not a fan of the “tattoo application process” during pirate week at daycare. She wanted nothing to do with the washcloth on her skin. Lily and Eli loved their tattoos.

Addy has been a snuggler after lunch. She brings all her blankets, Moose, and Hooey over to Mommy and puts her arms up to be held. If Mommy starts rocking her, Addy will point to Mommy’s mouth requesting a song. Usually Mommy sings “Our God is an Awesome God” or “Thy Word,” but one day she started asking Addy which song she wanted to hear. Addy kept saying DA, so Mommy assumed she meant Daddy’s bedtime song—“Amazing Grace.” As it turned out, Addy wanted Mommy to sing a silly song called “Senor Don Gato” that Daddy had played on YouTube the previous night where the cat dies and is paraded through town in a cardboard box before coming back to life when passing the fish market!

At the park, Addy loves swinging and going down the slide. At the top of the slide, she sits several feet back from the entrance waiting for the signal to go down, which gives Mommy and Daddy time to get to the ground to catch her. As she scoots forward, she realizes how high up she is and tries to turn onto her stomach or change her mind about going down the slide. After offering to hold her hands, she goes down the slide, and a big smile lights up her face every time.

Addy has successfully transitioned to her new bear bed without a tear! Mommy and Daddy have commented that bedtime is actually easier now. Who would have guessed? The first night, Daddy snuck into the room after Addy was asleep to line the floor with pillows, but so far, no falls. Our little girl is growing up!

Addy loves the “farting” noises Mommy and Daddy make when she lifts the flap in her farm book where the cow is going poop.

Daddy took Addy on an adventure to the Dane County Airport to watch the planes taking off and landing. What he failed to gauge was how exciting the opportunity to sit in the front seat would be. Instead of watching the planes, Addy was fascinated by pressing all the control buttons on the dash and then devastated when Daddy said it was time to get back into her carseat.

Addy loves using Mommy’s eyelashes to open her eyes. Mommy pretends to be sleeping and then awakens as a monster. This is apparently hilarious.

Addy had a little mishap with the snake figurine in our front window one morning when Mary was dropping Eli off for daycare. Mary and Mommy looked up as Addy cried out to see the snake tipped over in the windowsill and Addy’s feet up in the air. Addy had tipped headfirst over the back of the couch, but the snake saved her from falling to the floor. As Mommy jumped up to rescue her, she stepped on Eli’s toes, which caused the second meltdown of the morning. Addy likes to retell the story by pointing to the snake and the area behind the couch and saying YEAH YEAH YEAH over and over again!

Addy was very dismayed when Mommy had to pack away her favorite striped sweater that she tried to put on every day over her outfit. Unfortunately (fortunately?), it was getting a little too tight.

Addy is always very enthusiastic about snack time before nap. One day, she came running into the kitchen and executed a perfect “safe” slide into “home plate” next to her water and snack bowl.

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes