Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Adelline is A GIRL WITH OPINIONS at 1 Year, 5 Months

As my pregnancy progresses, Addy’s energy levels seem to rise by the day. I am starting to feel the exhaustion of third trimester, but unfortunately, Addy has outgrown her second nap. This Mommy needs an afternoon nap! Addy’s vocabulary has really expanded this month, and she continues to give new words a try on a daily basis. Thankfully, she still does some of her oh-so-cute baby babble from time to time, to which we respond, “Wow, that is very interesting,” or, “What a great story. Thanks for sharing.” We’re going to miss that unintelligible babble when she can quite clearly articulate exactly why, when, and how she disagrees with us!

Daddy and Addy went to Ida’s to babysit Thomas and Jackson one night. Addy was on safety patrol as she loudly pointed out all the uncovered outlets with a very urgent, “UH OH!”

Addy pretends to make her breakfast cereal by whisking in her little kitchen pots.

Addy and Lily are buddies, as Addy makes sure Lily has Grinch by her side throughout the day. If Grinch gets too far away, Addy immediately retrieves him and brings him to Lily. We thought about getting Addy her own Grinch, but Amazon’s best deal was $39.99. When you miss the $5 Kohl’s Cares stuffed animal special promotion, the mark-up is astounding!

Addy’s latest words include NIGH NIGH (night night) before bed, MO (more), HI, CHAI (chair), BU (bus), BA (bread), BUTT (this one is quite clear and needs no interpretation), DIS (this), ADDY, MI (milk), BA (Aunt Britty), SIRL (squirrel), ONE (sometimes while holding up one finger, but most of the time refusing to do so), CERL (cereal), SEAHO (seahorse), and WA (water). Addy also tells us a cow says MOO and an ambulance/fire truck/police car says WOOO.

Addy likes to echo parts of her “God Bless” prayer. When we name family members and friends, she will say DJACK for her cousin Jack, SSSSARA for Aunt Sara, and JAY for Uncle Jay. She also repeats MA, DA, and ADDY.

Addy is starting to transition out of her two daily naps, much to Mommy’s sadness! She has been pretty consistent with going to bed at 8:30 p.m. and sleeping until 7:30 a.m. Now without a second nap, we have witnessed the famous “beast baby” behavior identified and named by the Longs. This behavior includes wild flailing of arms, throwing one’s body on the floor in a tantrum, kicking everything off the changing table, and becoming a writhing jellyfish when picked up. Thankfully, Addy’s bedtime has moved up to 7:30 p.m. without a second nap.

During bedtime prayers in her room, Addy enjoys doing hot laps and being as wild as possible. She hides in the corner by her closet and crawls in circles around Mommy and Daddy. Daddy has learned to position himself in the doorway to block the only exit!

Addy makes us laugh with her “naked baby time” before bath. Of course, we encourage it by chasing her around the house. She will often stop to sweep the floor or complete other important tasks that apparently must be done while naked!

We had our first accident during naked time before bath. Fortunately, it was on the tile floor in the bathroom and not the living room carpet.

Mommy had to attend a neighborhood board meeting at Talula’s, so Addy and Daddy tagged along for dinner. Addy loved the singers and entertained people in the bar area with her dancing and antics. When Daddy took her home early for bedtime, Addy started yelling, “UH UH UH,” from the back seat and trying to turn to see if Mommy had gotten into the car. She was very concerned Daddy was leaving without all the passengers! Daddy assured Addy that Mommy was getting a ride home after the meeting.

During daycare, Addy and Eli love running to the nursery, opening the door, and slamming it shut before Mommy can get there to supervise. One day, Mommy decided to give them a couple minutes before checking in on the monkey business. After hearing the door slam, she waited and then approached the nursery to knock and play peek-a-boo with Addy and Eli. As it turned out, Eli was the only one in the room. After checking the closet and behind the door, Mommy started to panic as she frantically opened door after door in the hallway looking for Addy, who was being very quiet. After a couple minutes of searching, Addy was located in the main bathroom, snuggling with her duck towel. Mommy did notice that Addy was able to go through a few off-limits cabinets with those “sticky fingers” of hers.

Addy struggles to sit down during snack time if she is not contained in a highchair. After multiple reminders and attempts to “Fred Flintstone” all over the house while snacking, Addy figured out she can technically “sit” on her car while still in motion. Mommy is quite sure preschool and kindergarten will be more than happy to accommodate Addy’s need for continual movement, right? An exercise ball chair may be in her future!

Daddy has a piece of artwork in the living room called “Orange Juice.” It is one of his favorites—a picture of an orange with an electrical outlet on the side. As our safety patrol officer, Addy pointed to the picture recently and said, “UH OH,” as one of the outlets does not have a cover on it!

Addy is very good at saying SARA. She now separates the word into two syllables: SA-RA. We called Aunt Sara during bathtime, so she was able to hear Addy saying her name.

Addy is very attuned to messes or dirt on the floor. When people come into the house without wiping their shoes or if they do not stay completely on the rug, she will run over and say, “UH OH,” over and over again pointing at the gathering pile of dirt and snow. She also points out spots on Daddy’s pants that need attention. Daddy commented that “Grandma Vicky would be proud!”

Addy woke up one night at 11 p.m. when Daddy tried opening her room door to let more heat in during the night. After a diaper change and drink of water, she refused to go back to sleep. Instead, she stood and screamed in her crib for 45 minutes. We tried giving her Tylenol, thinking her teeth must be bothering her, but the screaming continued. Finally, around 12:30 p.m., as Mommy was contemplating a possible trip to Urgent Care, Daddy got up with Addy and went out to the living room to rock in the chair. Mommy could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. Apparently, Addy had been screaming for an hour and a half because she wanted to eat a bagel. After an entire bagel and half a piece of bread, she was ready to lay back down at 1 a.m. However, when she was getting full, she refused to give Daddy the last two pieces of her bread. Instead, she held onto them for dear life (and made a HUGE crumbly mess all over the floor) until she was too sleepy to care and then dropped them on the floor. What a kid!

Addy enjoys climbing into her highchair by herself many times throughout the day as she continually requests snacks. She then throws herself on the floor screaming when Mommy says, “No, we just had breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.” How many times does a child seriously need to eat in 24 hours?

Addy has also been attempting to climb into her crib, which is definitely the preferred direction!

In addition to being ultra-perceptive of messes on the floor, Addy is also unable to move past the obstacle until we clean it up. She was recently a frozen statue in the garage, as the UH OHs continued until Mommy picked her and helped her walk past the dirt and salt all over the floor.

Addy likes to pretend she has stiff legs that swing out to the sides, a movement we call her “wooden soldier” walk.

Addy’s favorite new word is DIS (this). She uses it to point out all the things she would like throughout the day, from snacks to toys to off-limits items. DIS DIS DIS. Would you like some yogurt? NO. DIS DIS DIS. Would you like a Clementine? NO. DIS DIS DIS. Ohhhhh, you would like the frozen package of ground beef. YEAH!

Addy enjoys peeling Clementines and bananas and composting the peel.

Addy and Eli have both started to establish many of their own opinions about things. Mommy has to remember to avoid yes or no questions and stick with things like, “Would you like the pink or the green diaper shell?,” instead of, “Do you need a diaper change?” (NO!)

Eli cracks us up when his mom tries to pack him up to leave daycare for the day. He has perfected running away, pretending not to see her, hiding, turning into a jellyfish, and yelling, “NO NO NO!”

Addy has a couple new sippy cups with a straw thanks to a shopping trip with Daddy. She forgets to leave the cups level to drink and often has to be reminded. One day, after attempting to tip the cup back, she set it on the floor, and bent over into an impressive yoga pose to sip from the straw at her feet.

Addy and Daddy continue to be best buddies. When he was gone for his military weekend, Addy repeated DA? DA? DA? and pointed toward the front door over and over again every time she heard any kind of sound outside of the room were playing in.

Addy will say MAW and sign “cat” (pulling whiskers by nose) when asked what a kitty says.

Addy is very “helpful” in the bathroom. She likes to plunge the toilet, pull paper from the roll and put it in the garbage can, and rearrange items in the cabinets under the sink.

In the morning, Addy has learned to stand at the far end of her crib, so she has a view out her bedroom door to “catch” Mommy or Daddy trying to sneak past to use the bathroom or take care of something in the kitchen before going in to get her up for the day.

One morning, Addy insisted on eating plain tofu chunks instead of having Mommy mash them up in her oatmeal.

Addy notifies Mommy and Daddy about various concerns by coming up to us and saying, “UMMMM…” followed by babbling or excessive pointing. Mommy realized the apple does not fall far from the tree when she recently heard herself saying, “Ummmm, excuse me Adelline, we do not…” Oops!

Addy now points to her diaper when it is messy or wet and “explains” the problem to us. Maybe potty training is closer on the horizon than we think!

Our little monkey is NOT ready for a toddler bed. Please pray for us!

Mommy came into Addy’s room one morning to find her pajamas completely unzipped and taken off. There was also a little girl laughing hysterically.

Our attempt at Addy’s 18-month pictures was one for the memory books. It started when Mommy decided to trim Addy’s hair the night before. Let’s just hope the “bowl cut” look is back in style! It continued at Portrait Innovations, where Addy decided she disliked everything about the place, including the photographers and any toys they tried showing her. She clung to Daddy for dear life, cried, picked her nose, and emphatically said NO to every request made of her. We did manage to get one halfway decent photo, so that will be a good reminder of the 18-month experience.

Without a second nap, Addy gets a little sassy before bedtime. One night, she refused to put pajamas on. Daddy was trying to make a game out of it by “feeding” the pajamas under her bedroom door asking Addy to put them on. As soon as he opened the door, Addy whipped the pajamas at Daddy’s face. The bathroom hand towels have also experienced Addy’s bedtime wrath. After seeing the towels go flying, Mommy couldn’t help but laugh, and soon, Addy’s cries turned to a smile. Fatigue gets the best of all of us sometimes!

One night as we were trying to skip bathtime since bedtime was quickly approaching, Addy was not excited about having her messy diaper changed. Daddy called Mommy in for back-up, but it was too late. There were already poop on Addy’s shirt and changing table, and she decided it would be hilarious to slap her butt while we were scrambling to grab wipes and keep her kicking feet out of the mess. The horrified/dismayed looks on our faces must have been enough to make her think it was a game, as she continued putting her hands into the poop. Apparently, a quick bath was on our agenda after all!

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes