Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Adelline is ALL OVER THE PLACE at 7 Months

Well, I think this is officially the month when everything changes for us! Addy is completely mobile and determined to get into absolutely everything. We are still discussing how much childproofing we are going to do v. teaching her “no.” Of course, we have all the outlets covered, major hazards put away, and a baby gate on the stairs, but we still have some work to do with plants, wine bottles, cabinets, and breakables. Every day, she seems to point out something new that we didn’t realize she’d be interested in playing with. Addy is still a very adventurous eater. She now eats tofu, avocados, mangoes, squash, potatoes, oatmeal, puffs, egg yolks, yogurt, and garlic powder. Despite some napping/sleep issues and a cold/cough this month, Addy’s been a busy, active girl who is truly all over the place!

Addy likes to imitate things now. When Mommy sticks out her tongue pretending to be a frog, Addy smiles and slowly sticks out her tongue too.

Daddy had an interesting diaper changing experience as he took off Addy’s cloth diaper and tried moving it away from her kicking legs. In the transfer, a log-like turd happened to fly out, but Daddy caught it before it hit the floor. Nice hands!

Addy’s “Sophie” giraffe, supposedly the world’s most popular teething toy, has started to mold. Unfortunately for Eli, this means that Addy’s main goal throughout the day is to try to sneak his “Squeakers” giraffe while Mommy isn’t looking. Update: The lab testing results came back, and it appears that “Sophie” has scuff marks, not mold. Hmmmm, when was “Sophie” outside on the blacktop?

Addy has started snoozing in the jogger while Mommy and Daddy are on their runs.

Addy is very good at scooting backward and sometimes gets “stuck” under couches, cribs, and dressers.

Addy is still quite wary of “strangers” coming over. She started wailing when Grandpa Bob stopped in one morning and when Uncle Jay came over for dinner one night. Once she adjusted from the safety of Mommy’s arms, she had some smiles for both of them.

Addy loves “dipping” backward. She will arch her neck when she wants to be dipped again.

Addy’s favorite game is “1-2-33333333” where Daddy lifts her high into the air.

One morning, Addy discovered that she could lift one hand off the floor when in her crawling position. After two nose dives, she started crawling forward later that day. Go Addy!

When Addy is tired now, she’ll bury her face in her blanket. During naps and bedtime, she still likes to have a blanket next to or over her face to sleep.

Addy is still a bit shy, but she’s particularly scared of Aunt Britty. She will cry and try to crawl further into Mommy or Daddy’s arms when Aunt Britty gets too close. We’re not sure why. Could it be Aunt Britty’s gorilla impressions as she lumbers toward Addy talking in a loud voice? Probably not! Great-grandma Adelle says Addy has a “get me away from Aunt Britty” cry. By the end of a weekend visit, Addy was warming up to everyone, especially Grandpa Mark, who never really gives Addy a choice!

One morning, Daddy was letting Mommy sleep in while he played with Addy. Unfortunately, Mommy woke up to a scream as Addy fell out of the front of her umbrella stroller. She had leaned a little too far forward and wasn’t buckled in because of her sleep sack. Interestingly, by the time Mommy ran out to the living room, Addy was back in the stroller, so Mommy wasn’t sure what had happened. Apparently, Daddy believes in getting right back on the horse!

Addy is all over the place now. If we’re making dinner or putting away dishes, she crawls from the living room play area into the kitchen to find us.

Addy has discovered her “singing” voice, which sounds more like a loud, continuous “ahhhhhh.” She has incorporated this into mealtimes in her highchair, naptime, diaper changes, and crying in the middle of the night.

Addy is still getting up one time per night to eat. It is usually right before we go to bed around 11 p.m. or at 3:30 a.m.

Our friend Melissa Pfohl was comparing children to the raptors from the Jurassic Park movie, noting that they slowly become cleverer over time, using “tools” to accomplish things and most likely trying to kill humans in the end. Addy was our little raptor the next morning when we walked into her room after a nap to find her STANDING in her crib, using the rails as a support (tool). Daddy quickly began lowering the mattress while Mommy whisked Addy up to change her diaper.

When we went to Colby over Daddy’s spring break, Addy earned the nickname of “little owl.” When someone other than Mommy and Daddy is holding her, Addy tries to crank her neck around to see his/her face. Grandpa Mark and Grandma Vicky quickly learned how to keep Addy facing forward at all times and “dodge” her owl peeks to prolong the amount of time she would tolerate them holding her!

Addy loves her musical instruments, especially the rhythm sticks, cymbals, tambourine, and maracas. She is getting better at attempting to play the instruments, rather than simply chew on them. Maybe Kindermusik class is paying off after all!

Addy has had a very rough couple weeks with a cold, runny nose, cough, and possible teething. She has been one tired little girl, as she has gone on nap strike during the day. She hates being on her back and will move to all fours before pulling herself up in her crib and screaming as loud as she can at any hour of the day or night!

Addy now tries to pull herself up on the couch, piano bench, bubbles container, Mommy and Daddy’s legs, chairs, and anything else she can use for leverage. Her balance is still quite shaky, but she definitely has no fear. Addy will sometimes take a “rest” when she’s trying to pull herself up to standing by sitting back on her feet with her knees of the floor. It’s so cute!

While visiting Great-grandma Adelle and Great-grandpa Lawrence, Daddy tied a little mouse rattle to Addy’s pants, so we could track where she was in the living room while we ate lunch. It worked pretty well, as we were able to finish most of our meal before she was done with “independent play time!”

One day, Mommy was getting ready to take Addy outside while Eli napped. When trying to balance Addy, the blanket, a bag of toys, the baby monitor, and an egg salad sandwich for her lunch, Mommy turned to make sure she had everything. In that moment, Addy tore off a piece of the bread and stuffed it in her mouth. Mommy turned around to find part of her sandwich missing and Addy looking like a chipmunk.

In her highchair, Addy likes to tip her head all the way to one side until you imitate her.

Addy likes playing with her basketball hoop, which usually involves trying to pull it over on top of herself, but she also is getting better at throwing the ball, although quite wildly at this point.

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes