Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adelline is ANXIOUS at 6 Months

My heart just melts when I see Addy smiling and crinkling her nose at family, friends, babies, kids, and even strangers. She is such a friendly little girl, even though we have seen some pretty strong separation anxiety this month. It shouldn’t be a big surprise, given the amount of time she spends with me on a daily and weekly basis.

Addy seems to have her daddy’s laid back personality. She will sometimes roll and bump her head, but it doesn’t seem to bother her. We try not to react when it happens, so most of the time, she doesn’t even stop playing. She has also inherited a streak of stubbornness, although I really can’t say who that might be from. When there is a toy or something she wants to play with, no amount of distraction or redirection is sufficient. Most of the time when this happens, she is trying to eat real food from our plates or bowls, play with the camera or video camera, push buttons on the baby monitor, chew on paper books, or knock everything off her changing table. Her persistence is quite impressive!

We are starting to see more instances of separation anxiety as Addy recognizes Mommy and Daddy very easily now.

Favorite non-toy items include paper, food wrappers, juice lids, boxes, and anything electronic such as cell phones and baby monitors.

Addy loves pulling her socks off her feet, especially during diaper changes. One day, Mommy was looking all around the changing table for one of Addy’s socks. She finally decided to give up the search until glancing more closely at Addy and seeing THE ENTIRE SOCK stuffed into her mouth!

Addy now “smiles” by crinkling her nose and making a goofy face. She will do this to Eli no matter if he is just waking up from a nap or crying for his bottle.

Addy has started sniffing while she laughs.

During lunch with Eli, Addy figured out how to roll up her washcloth and snap it or just wave it around wildly. She tries to do this every time we give her the washcloth to wipe her face.

Addy is able to hold onto the spoon and feed herself. Mommy has considered stripping her down for mealtime to avoid some of the mess! So far, she has loved everything we’ve given her to eat—rice cereal, carrots, green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, bananas, and apples. She’s also liked the spices we’ve added including cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.

Mommy decided to try giving Addy a piece of toast to gum, since she read it can help with teething. Addy proceeded to go ahead and chomp off a huge bite of it before starting to gag. On second thought, let’s wait on the toast!

Addy really wants to start crawling. She will get up on her hands and knees or even all fours and sway her body forward and backward while looking back at her feet as if to say, “Come on, let’s go!” She’s also gotten to be a pro at rolling across the floor and stretching to get what she wants.

Addy continues to impress us with her yoga poses. Her latest is downward dog as she tries so hard to crawl forward with her butt in the air!

Addy’s on a bit of a hunger strike with Daddy at the moment. We’ve started doing formula before bed to preserve some of our frozen milk supply, but she only wants to drink the bottle from Mommy. No Mexico trip for us this month. We’ll try again in June.

Addy is able to hold her own bottle now. When she’s had enough, she likes playing with the nipple and trying to squirt milk out of the tip.

During meals, when Mommy asks, “More?,” Addy waves her arms, kicks her legs, opens her mouth really wide, and starts shaking in excitement!

At Ash Wednesday mass, Addy was a little ham. She kept smiling by wrinkling up her nose, trying to get people’s attention. She is fascinated by other babies and kids.

Addy tried out a Kindermusik class this month with Daddy. For the first fifteen minutes, she waved her arms wildly in the air while kicking her legs. She may have been a little bit excited to be there! This is also the reaction we see when Addy spots a puppy.

During naptime, we will hear a SNAP as Addy tries playing with the art cards we have propped between the rails and her mattress. She has also figured out how to get “Rexy,” her duck, down from the top of the crib. When we come in, she is usually on her stomach with her socks off chewing on an art card while Rexy sits nearby. It’s so hard not to laugh as she smiles mischievously!

During the Point Bock Race, Addy started squawking a little after the one-mile mark. With four miles yet to go, Daddy decided to stop the jogger and check out the situation. After attempting a failed bottle feeding, Daddy chose to cut his losses and turn back. Ironically, he ended up coming down the home stretch with the first place runners. People were cheering wildly for the guy they thought ran such an amazing time pushing a jogger! Of course, it didn’t help that Daddy was wearing shorts and a Baraboo track jersey on a 30-degree day. After finishing, Daddy informed the race officials that he had turned back early and needed to be scratched from the results. Better luck next year!

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes