Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Adelline is A SNUGGLER at 1 Year, 2 Months

Addy took part in her first official sleepover this month, as we hosted my daycare kids, Eli and Lily, for a Wild Baby Sleepover. It was a busy and crazy night for Daddy and me, but the kids had a great time. We played, ate dinner, took a bath, read books, and snapped a few funny pictures. What amazed us most was everyone slept through the night. Woo hoo! Daddy and I jumped up at 5:30 a.m. wondering what was wrong as the house was quiet, and no one had woken up during the night. We had pancakes and applesauce for breakfast before sending Eli and Lily back home with their parents. Three kids might actually be feasible someday, at least for a night!

Addy had so much fun at the Roltgen family October birthday celebration. She loved jumping in the leaves with Uncle Jay, going for walks with Aunt Sara, and playing with Cousin Tessa. She even took a good afternoon nap at Grandma Gretchen and Grandpa Bob’s house, which was a first!

At naptimes and bedtimes, Addy now needs snacks. If we forget or try to distract her, she will head to the kitchen to point out her food choice or bring us the things she can reach like the Triscuit cracker box.

Addy signs THANK YOU and SLEEP and says BA BA (bottle). She has her own word for blanket, which sounds something like “DU BAI DU BAI DU BAI.” She also has words for diaper and clock that originate from her own language! When she is very excited about something, she’ll often say, “NOM A NOM A NOM A NOM A.”

Addy enjoys helping us Swiffer, which involves swinging the pole of the dust mop around wildly, almost taking off heads and knocking pictures off the walls.

Daddy and Addy are best friends and have special playtime that includes activities like laundry basket spaceship rides, throwing balls around the storage room, and other things that Mommy does not want to do every day. Addy particularly enjoys throwing the pool ball onto the cement floor in the basement storage room, which makes Mommy think the house is cracking apart!

We headed up to Colby for a quick visit over Halloween weekend. Addy loved playing with Presley, throwing sticks, and sneaking food to him during dinner. She was caught red-handed by Aunt Britty when she tried feeding him her sippy cup of milk!

Addy is getting over her stranger anxiety. As soon as we entered the house, she jumped into Great-grandpa Lawrence and Great-grandma Adelle’s arms and snuggled with them. They were impressed, since they don’t see her very often. Addy also ate three plates of Great-grandma’s beef tips at lunch, played quietly with toys, and showed them both her “muscles” by putting her arms up in the classic pose.

Addy is quite adamant about signing when she is ALL DONE with something. Unfortunately, it happened to be Aunt Lyddia the weekend we went to visit and Dr. Bellissimo at her 15-month check-up.

Addy likes to “wild dance” now by marching quickly in place with her feet. This is usually most popular right before bedtime.

Addy’s favorite foods this month are yogurt, Clementines, Mum Mums, spicy chili, spaghetti, cheese, Triscuit crackers, sweet potato fries, corn, frozen strawberries, and homemade applesauce. Of course, Aunt Britty will be happy to know that Mommy hides all kinds of good things in these foods like shredded carrots in spaghetti sauce, walnuts and brewer’s yeast in yogurt, and everything but the kitchen sink in chili!

This was Addy’s first year of trick-or-treating. She dressed as a cow (a-Dell-ine), Mommy and Daddy wore cowboy hats (farmers), and we attempted to be the “Farmers and a Dell.” Addy was less interested in the candy and more intrigued by our neighbors’ cats and dogs.

Addy experienced her first bonfire this year at our neighborhood Halloween event. She made everyone around the fire laugh as she started jabbering exuberantly and pointing at the fire as soon as we walked up to the circle. She kept up her chatter for several minutes.

Addy’s bedtime antics continue to amuse and drive us crazy! When Daddy was gone for his military weekend, Mommy was hoping to take advantage of the extra hour of sleep from daylight savings time. Addy had a different game plan, which included unloading all her diapers from the basket, running around like a wild child, refusing to pick out books, repeating FIFE FIFE FIFE when Mommy said “five books” is the limit before bedtime, and putting her head on the ground and butt in the air waiting to do somersaults when asked to pick up her toys.

Addy puts her head on her shoulder or snuggles with her blanket when you ask if she’s sleepy, but we all know how long that lasts!

Addy was talking to Daddy on the cell phone when he said, “Good job not buying a pretzel at the mall today with Mommy.” Addy immediately dropped the phone, ran to the snack cabinet, located the bag of pretzels, and signed “more please.” Wow, the power of suggestion is strong!

Addy helps by putting her dirty clothes in the laundry hamper.

Addy makes monkey sounds—AH AH AH AH—in a high-pitched voice when asked if she’s being a monkey.

Addy loves doing SO BIG, with her hands up in the air, waiting to be tickled.

Our attempt a few months ago to move Addy’s bedtime up to 7:30 p.m. was a bust. Thankfully, daylight savings time helped us out this month, and we were finally able to get some of our evening back to get things done, at least for a few days. Addy is slowly starting to push things back again.

From the minute Daddy gets home from work, he and Addy are always exploring the house, naming and pointing to various objects, and having a great time, but Daddy ends up carrying Addy quite a bit. When Mommy reminds him to let her walk once in a while, Addy proceeds to assume a “plank” position with her legs bent at the hips, refusing to touch the floor with her feet. Mommy then asks if her legs are broken and whether we should call the doctor. Addy thinks this is all very funny, but refuses to put her feet on the ground. I think someone has Daddy wrapped around her little finger!

Mommy now says, “Goodnight monkey,” to Addy as she gets settled into her crib. Addy responds, “AH AH AH AH.”

Addy likes building and playing in forts with Daddy. Mommy tried to make a fort during daycare, but it was a very amateur attempt. After consulting with Mr. Kevin, Eli’s Dad, Daddy made some minor adjustments, added a second couch, and blew the kids away with his ultimate fort!

Addy gives “bonks” by touching her forehead to things she loves—Eli, Lily, horsey on a stick, Mommy, and Daddy.

Addy and Mommy started making funny faces at dinner one night. Now, toward the end of meals, we see who can make the silliest face.

Before bed, Addy likes touching Mommy’s teeth while she’s singing bedtime songs. She also enjoys funny faces, raspberries, and other antics that make her laugh. Mommy has decided this is better than the usual screaming, so she’s happy to oblige.

Grandma Vicky and Grandpa Mark gave Addy a press-the-sound book about trick-or-treating for Halloween. She loves dancing to the music button and ringing the doorbell over and over and over and over…

Addy enjoys grocery shopping and is a good helper. She places all the items in the cart, mostly by throwing them over her shoulder. There is one thing, however, that is too good to place in the cart. Addy has taken bites out of two blocks of cheese now, plastic and all, once with Mommy and once with Daddy!

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Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes