Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adelline is A GROWING GIRL at 4 Months

It’s interesting how much Addy seems to learn on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. I’ve found myself consulting my baby book to compare milestones and reading “Lyddia Learns” to see if she was doing similar things at the same age. It’s also interesting to consider how much we have learned in the course of a few months. We’re certainly not experts, but surviving those first couple months really does give you a lot more confidence. My favorite faux pas to remember is how I was so worried about Addy hearing enough words and having enough interaction that I used to play with and read to her in the middle of the night during feedings, thus keeping her up way too long, usually at least an hour if not more! No wonder I was always so exhausted in the morning. One day, a friend said something about making those night feedings quick, not talking, and keeping the lights off, so the baby knows it’s time to go right back to sleep. Mike and I looked at each other through a sleep-deprived stupor and realized that we were complete morons! I truly wonder how much earlier Addy would have been sleeping through the night if we would have kept it dark, put away the books and toys, nursed quickly, and put her right back in the cradle. Oh the joy of being first-time parents!

Addy has officially discovered her toes. During diaper changes, she’ll lift up her butt by grabbing onto her toes. Addy also started putting her toes in her mouth. She is our little yoga star!

We have transitioned to cloth diapers, so there will probably be more funny moments in the months to come as we figure out the best way to handle poopy diapers. Right now, we are anxiously awaiting the first major blow-out to see what happens!

The news of our transition to cloth diapers has traveled. For Christmas, Great-grandma Adelle and Great-grandpa Lawrence bought Addy a package of cloth pre-folds and a set of rubber scrapers “for different sized BMs.” We’ll think of them every time we’re scraping!

At Addy’s four-month check-up, Dr. Bellissimo was so impressed with her skills. Addy can already sit unsupported for a count of three seconds, which isn’t required until the six-month check-up. She is also a tummy time superstar, so Dr. Bellissimo gave her a “star for the day” compared to all the four-month-olds she had examined. Go Addy!

Addy does not miss meals. She is in the 95th percentile for height and 85th percentile for weight.

Addy loves Grandpa Roltgen’s Donald Duck impression. She will start to giggle in anticipation of it.

During our Christmas travels, Addy was quite a trooper. She managed to adjust to new environments and sleeping arrangements and even avoided getting sick after countless rounds of “pass the baby!”

Addy had her first sleepover with Aunt Sara in Fond du Lac while Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding on New Year’s Eve. She drank her bottles and slept through the night until 5 a.m. Now if she would just do that at home more reliably!

Addy loves raspberries on her tummy. Daddy can really get her laughing on the changing table.

Addy now finds tags on everything and likes moving them around between her fingers.

Addy can sit in the tripod position with feet under her and arms forward on the ground for support. She also rolled over from back to stomach for the first time. The crowd (Mommy) went wild!

Addy sleeps for about an hour in the morning, a couple hours in the afternoon, and 30 minutes around suppertime. She will sleep for ten hours at night, but she still gets up to nurse around 4:30 a.m. Thankfully, she goes back to sleep after nursing and usually wakes up around 7 a.m.

Addy has been giving her babysitters a run for their money. It started with a “hunger strike” for Grandma Gretchen and Grandpa Bob, followed by similar behavior for Taylor Eveland, our high school babysitter, and the Ellenbeckers. Addy also graced all of them with an hour of what Great-aunt Julie calls the “I want my Mommy” cry!

Addy enjoyed swimming for the first time at Chula Vista waterpark. She sat with Daddy in the tube on the lazy river and didn’t even flinch when the waterfalls splashed around her.

Mommy and Daddy have tried to “predict” the timing of Addy’s bowel movements, so we can use a disposable diaper at that time and avoid the extra mess. It usually works out pretty well, but if Addy misses her “window of opportunity,” we’re in trouble. Then you don’t know the time or place, only that it’s going to be an explosion!

Speaking of explosions, Mommy, Aunt Britty, and Aunt Lyddia went to eat at Polito’s Pizza in Wausau. Addy was very antsy all throughout lunch and then proceeded to explode through her diaper, up the back of her outfit, all the way to her neck! After Mommy and Aunt Britty stripped her down, put on a new outfit, and brought her back out, Addy then puked all over Aunt Britty’s sweatshirt and the floor. Later, Daddy found remnants of poop in her hair. Priceless!

Addy loves playing “peek-a-boo” over and over again with her bib. She now anticipates what is coming next after pulling the bib over her face.

Addy has really dry, sore hands from sucking her thumbs so much.

Addy likes wooden spoons, mixing bowls, and making “soup” with all her toys in a bowl.

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