Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adelline is ARTICULATE at 1 Year, 9 Months

It’s so fun listening to Addy try to string words together into sentences.  It feels like we are getting closer to having an actual back-and-forth conversation with our little chatterbox.  After prayers and songs each night, we talk about the day and what’s on tomorrow’s agenda.  It’s amazing to realize how much language development has taken place in such a short amount of time.  Addy’s vocabulary continues to expand, yet her tone of voice and emphasis on certain words and vowels make us laugh.  I want to hang on to these days sandwiched between early attempts at communication with signs and syllables and complete articulation where there’s no doubt that she’s telling us exactly what she thinks about our parenting, what she wants, and why she should be allowed to pierce her ears… go on a date…you get the idea! 
Addy’s speech has exploded.  She is starting to put sentences together—MOVE IT and TAKE SHIRT OFF HOT (Mommy blames Daddy).  She also has some cute expressions like OH NO in a very dramatic voice and OH DIS in a very excited high-pitched voice when she sees things like M & M’s (Mommy blames Daddy) and swingsets.  We laugh to ourselves when she asks for TA-TAS (tortillas). 

When Great-grandpa and Great-grandma came to our house for Stella’s Baptism, Addy began asking Great-grandpa for WOOF WOOF, the ceramic dog figurine.  Great-grandma commented that Arby’s always has a hard time understanding and spelling the name Lawrence, so she suggested Great-grandpa go by his new name—WOOF WOOF!  Addy was quite dismayed that WOOF WOOF was at home, but she is looking forward to our next visit.

Addy’s love for sauce is expanding as she enjoys dipping everything in salad dressing including fruit.

At Uncle Joel’s graduation party, Addy wanted Aunt Sara and Cousin Tessa to come home with us in the car.  Tessa knelt down at Addy’s level and explained, “Addy, tonight we are staying at a hotel, but we’ll come over to your house tomorrow after Stella gets Baptism-ed.” 

During Stella’s Baptism party at our house, Addy caught a glimpse of Grandma Vicky’s bra and pointed it out to her—BA. 

Every night, Addy asks for her “meow” jammies, which are fleece pajamas with a kitty on the front.  Unfortunately, she doesn’t quite understand that they are too small and the wrong material for summer sleeping.  We’ve had to resort to telling her that they are dirty and need washing.  It’s been almost a month now that she’s continued to ask for them.  It breaks Mommy’s heart to see the look of dismay on Addy’s face as she searches high and low for the “meow” jammies, but at least she didn’t have to throw away any of Addy’s treasured blankies yet.  We’ll have to tell Addy the story of Grandma Vicky throwing away Aunt Lyddia’s ratty old blankie after having convinced Lyddia that it was the right thing to do.  As the story goes, Lyddia opened the garbage can in the morning and reached in to check if blankie had gotten cold overnight.  Even Grandma Vicky almost retrieved the blankie from the trash after that tearjerker!     

At Bratfest, Addy was very excited for a BAHT.  She may have been the only almost two-year-old requesting one!

On our way home from Bratfest, Mommy asked Daddy if he had connected with Rottingers to see if they wanted to come to our house for dinner.  Addy immediately asked, “YI-YAY?”  We were shocked that she knew Lily’s last name.

On Saturday evening of Memorial Day weekend, Mommy subbed for music minister Greg Burnard at church.  Addy had a hard time understanding that she could not go up by Mommy during mass.  She kept asking for MAMA and trying to direct Daddy to the front of church by the piano.  During the sign of peace, Daddy brought Stella and Addy up to say hi.  Addy wanted to say hi again, so she made her move as Daddy was bringing Stella back to the pew.  She took off running toward Mommy and the piano and almost got a few notes in before being escorted back to her seat.  After communion, as a few people started leaving early, Addy kindly said, “BYE BYE.”  Toward the end of church, she announced loudly, “ALL DONE.”  She was definitely the entertainment for the evening, and everyone was amused watching Daddy try to handle both girls, even though he had some help from Anita O’Keefe, who held Stella until the sign of peace.

Addy has mastered drinking from a TUP (cup) with only an occasional spill.

Since Daddy has been working so many military duty days, Mommy has hired babysitters or asked neighbors to come over to take Addy outside or on walks.  Now anytime anyone comes to the door, Addy runs to the closet to get her shoes and coat while yelling, “OUT-SIDE, OUT-SIDE.”

Addy is becoming more aware of bodily functions like pooping.  At dinner, she was grunting one out in her highchair.  We asked if she needed to go potty.  She struggled to say NO as she completed the job, but she was happy to loudly announce, “POOP ALL DONE.” 

In the bathtub, Addy is fascinated with cleaning her private areas.  She then uses the same washcloth to try washing the shower walls. 

In the bathtub, Mommy and Addy were discussing where food comes from.  Mommy asked what Stella drank, and Addy said, “MILT.”  When questioned where it came from, Addy said, “MAMA.”  Mommy then asked where Addy’s milk came from, thinking she might have made the connection since the cow trading cards are on her half gallons of milk.  Addy informed Mommy that it came from a TUP (cup).

Addy tries to comfort her little sister with things she likes, such as books and stuffed animals, usually by setting them on Stella’s face or reaching up to drop them, cannonball style, into the crib.

We’ve been working on the full word banana, as Addy usually shortens it to NANA.  She now says, “BA,” followed by a pause and then, “NANA.”

Addy has seen us wiping spit up from Stella’s mouth, and she doesn’t want to be left out.  She will now create BUBBLES (drool) that need to be wiped from her mouth with a BURP CLOTH.

Addy is very attached to her monkey onesie.  She will look for it when it’s in the laundry by going through her dresser asking for, “MONKEY SHIT (shirt)?”

Addy is very intrigued by bugs.  Her interactions with them include pointing, attempting to give kisses, petting, and eventually picking them up to play.  She is especially interested in flies.  When there is a fly in the big picture window, Addy tries to touch it.  Normally, when an adult attempts to kill a fly, it’s nearly impossible to do with a Kleenex.  Addy is apparently a “bug whisperer,” as she will reach out and touch the fly multiple times, much to her delight.  She also likes to have conversations with the bugs, asking them to crawl down closer to her reach so she can touch them.  “[Gibberish] FLY [gibberish] DOWN [gibberish] RIGHT HERE [gibberish] PEAS (please).”  When Addy can’t find the fly, she explains to Mommy, “FLY NAP.” 

Daddy asked Mommy one night if she thought Addy’s feet were unusually large and stinky!  Mommy had to agree. 

Addy loves beets.  Anytime we go to the farmer’s market, she is on the hunt for her favorite food.  In early June, Mommy ran to the market with Addy in the jogger.  Addy was determined to find beets, even though Mommy tried to explain that they were not quite “in season” yet.  Lo and behold, our Running Club friend Bonnie Benson was the first to spot them and pointed out the stand to Addy.  Mommy had to laugh as she paid $2 for the world’s smallest beets.  After cooking and skinning them, Addy enjoyed her microscopic morsels of what Mommy called “gourmet beets.”

When Aunt Britty was visiting, she overheard Mommy reading the book “What Do I Eat?” to Addy.  Mommy likes to add details to books, especially when she disagrees with the authors.  For example, the book claims that chickens eat “corn.”  Mommy explained to Addy that chickens really should be free to eat bugs, grass, and spiders, but due to the farm bill and corn subsidies, many farmers are giving their chickens corn to eat.  Aunt Britty thought this embellishment was ridiculous and proceeded to add her own details to the book, telling Addy that cows eat “natural organic pesticide-free grass.”     

Addy competed in her first race, the 100-Yard Kids Dash at the Dandelion Dash 5K.  After false starting, Addy would take a few steps forward before lifting her arms and saying “UP” to Mommy.  This continued for the first 50 yards.  Finally, Mommy gave in and picked Addy up, and they crossed the finish line together in last place.  However, Addy was the only one-year-old registered, so she took first in her age group!     

Addy has officially gotten out of her bear bed a couple times, but we’ve been firm about her getting back to bed right away, so she scuttles across the room as soon as we open the door and give her “the look.” 

After watching us swaddle Stella, Addy insists that we WRAP Moosey in one of her blankets before naptime and bedtime.  We often hear an OH NO immediately after swaddling Moosey, as he “accidently” falls onto the floor out of the blanket.    

At Cousin Jack’s two-year-old birthday party, the kids splashed around in a kiddie pool and ran through the sprinkler.  Aunt Betsey had invited Addy to bring her swimsuit to join in the fun.  Daddy took this open invitation as a chance to bust out his Speedo and run through the party as a masked Speedo man, jumping on the trampoline, cannonballing into the kiddie pool, and disappearing behind the house.  It was an image that will be burned on everyone’s eyes for years to come! 

After Jack’s party, we stayed overnight at the dome with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Gretchen.  We enjoyed a “neature” walk through the woods in the morning.  Daddy insists that it is a “neature” rather than “nature” walk because he kept saying, “Wow, Addy, isn’t that _____________ neat?” 

Addy loves her high school babysitter, Rachel Russell.  She has figured out that she can convince Rachel to let her eat “Daddy’s cereal” aka Rice Krispies for snack, and as soon as Rachel arrives, Addy leads her to the fingerpaint and other messy art supplies.  Rachel is very kind and patient with Addy, and we really appreciate her help! 

Daddy is taking full credit for teaching Addy her colors, although he fails to mention his method—testing her by looking at M & M’s and giving her one if she says the color correctly.  Now Addy loves “BLUES” as she calls all M & M’s and can be found climbing up the kitchen table to try and sneak Rice Krispie treats that have blue M & M’s in them.  Daddy has created a monster!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Adelline is A STINKER at 1 Year, 8 Months

This has definitely been Addy’s “adjustment month” as we’ve seen some comical yet frustrating behaviors. While she’s always been gentle with Stella, her attention-seeking activities seem to peak when Mommy is breastfeeding and unable to intervene. As with so many other things, it will just take a little extra patience, as time always brings a new phase with other challenges, making us completely forget the tough times and only remember the smiles, laughs, and happy memories!

We are almost to the point where Addy will repeat any words we ask her to try. Her favorites this month are WES (neighbor Wesley), SAU (sauce aka salad dressing), BER (berries), OU-SHIDE (outside), PEAS (please), BEBE (baby with hands connected in front in a rocking baby position), UP HIGH, PUMP (breast pump), PEE-PEE (urine), POOP, ADDY BACE ROLCHIN (Adelline Grace Roltgen), and SIS-SAHS (stickers).

Addy enjoys salad as a first course at lunch and dinner. She insists on SAU (sauce aka salad dressing) for dipping vegetables, and she can often be found using her finger repeatedly to lick up any extra dressing on her plate. She has also discovered that drinking directly from the sauce bowl is even faster than using her fingers. Light balsamic vinaigrette dressing is apparently quite tasty as a beverage!

Addy went to a children’s dentist for her first official visit. She enjoyed the appointment until the dentist attempted to move closer to her by asking if he could count her fingers. Addy was on to his tricks immediately, so Daddy decide to forego the cleaning this time. Addy was very excited about the tokens she received at the end of the visit that she could use in the toy vending machines.

 Stella may be the best thing that ever happened to Addy. As Mommy’s fatigue level increases, Addy gets to try foods she has never had before including a donut after church and chips with our SUBWAY sandwiches. The second best thing that ever happened to her was Mommy writing a lesson plan on “feeding children” for NASCO. After reviewing best practice feeding recommendations, including a note about “forbidden foods,” Mommy reluctantly decided that Addy can try a few sweet treats now and then. Daddy is also very happy with this breakthrough, as he now can stop trying to sneak desserts when Addy isn’t looking.

A wind storm blew down part of our big pine tree in the backyard. Once the power company fixed the lines, they left us with a huge section of the tree, along with many branches. Addy helped Daddy load sticks into the wheelbarrow. She was very excited about her efforts and could be heard yelling, “MITE MITE MITE (Mike Mike Mike),” when she had another pile to show Daddy!

While Mommy is breastfeeding Stella, there are often shenanigans going on in the living room, hallway, and bedrooms. These include car “accidents” resembling WWF moves where the car is lifted off the ground and slammed on its side or upside down, digging through Mommy’s jewelry box to locate and then throw Mommy’s wedding ring and band around the room, pulling out all the cookbooks, and shutting the gate and slamming the door to her bedroom, followed by, “HELP HELP HELP.”

Overall, Addy has been a very good big sister, but she does not always like sharing Daddy’s attention. She will often direct him by saying, “STEL BOUNCE,” while motioning back-and-forth from Stella to the bouncy chair, meaning, “Please stop holding Stella and put her in the bouncy chair, so we can play!”

Aunt Britty, aka Supernanny, came down for a visit after Stella was born. She was hoping to teach Addy to use the potty while she was here. As it turned out, Addy can now clearly say, “NO POTTY,” in response to any sort of question regarding potty use! Aunt Britty was such an amazing helper. She was a pro at getting Stella to take naps, kept us well fed, washed and folded loads of laundry, and even found time to teach Addy how to launch eggs from her play kitchen using a hot dog bun and spoon. Now Addy keeps requesting, “EGG FLYS.” Thank you again Aunt Britty!

Addy loves monkeys. In the book “Hug Time,” there is a page halfway through the story with a chimpanzee on it. When we get to the page, it usually results in a five minute stop to make monkey sounds, give kisses, and stare affectionately at the chimp. If Mommy or Daddy tries to continue the story before Addy is ready to move on, she will promptly turn the page back to the chimp and start the routine all over again.

Addy is very attached to her three fleece blankets. She originally had only two, but Mommy purchased a third one with plans to rotate it out as we did laundry. Unfortunately, Addy now thinks she has three blankets and won’t allow the rotation to take place. When we do wash the blankets, we have to sneak them downstairs quickly, wash and dry, and then return them to her bedroom. Mommy tries hiding the blankets under her shirt, resembling a pregnant belly, when she’s sneaking them downstairs. Daddy’s tactic involves stuffing them down his pajama pants, so he looks like MC Hammer, and singing, “Can’t Touch This.” Clearly, the almost-two-year-old is in charge on this issue!

Addy was running haphazardly around the kitchen one day, as her sense of balance seemed to be out of sorts. As Mommy asked her to be careful and slow down, Addy took off running and proceeded to fall in a “banana peel slip” manner flat on her back.

Brooklyn Lust, our neighbor and Mommy’s former carpool partner from Wisconsin Heights School District, came over to pick up Addy one day when Daddy was gone for military duty. As Mommy explained Addy’s schedule, Brooke said, “Well, if she gets hungry, we’ll just have a snack, right Addy?” Addy perked up at the word “snack.” Brooke then followed it with, “Maybe a snack like a cookie, right?” Addy’s response was a bit more enthusiastic this time, as she said, “YYYYYYEAH!”

Addy loves watching Stella roll out of tummy time. She says, “MO ROLL,” and gestures in a circle with her hand as she asks Stella to do more rolls.

Addy has seen an increase in timeouts recently as she has discovered freedom from rules while Mommy is nursing Stella and Daddy is working military days. Incidents include dumping dirt out of the potted plants, throwing everything she can get her hands on, refusing to pick up toys, standing on top of her princess cruiser car, filling the toilet with paper, shoving food items from her play kitchen all the way into her mouth, and squishing tomatoes between her hands before throwing them on the floor.

It seems that Addy’s bed is still surrounded by invisible fence, as she will scream if one of her blankets or an animal falls out, but she will not leave the bed to retrieve anything. The game of throwing an animal out of the bed to avoid going to sleep has officially begun!

During a diaper change, Addy grabbed a wipe from the basket and started washing her face while repeating her new favorite word—POOP.

Addy continues to pet her little sister and say, “AWWWW STEL,” in a very high voice that sounds like a little old lady. Apparently that’s what happens when you name your children “grandma names” like Stella and Adelline!

Addy will have many stories to tell when she starts school. She recently ripped off her shirt and ran over to Mommy’s breast pump asking if she could PUMP.

Every time Stella is crying, Addy tries to locate PACI and shove it in Stella’s mouth. We’ve had several discussions about waiting to see what Stella needs before we give her the pacifier. When Addy is asked if she is a good helper with her little sister, she replies, “PACI.”

When Mommy told Addy we were planning to visit Great-grandma Adelle and Great-grandpa Lawrence at their house, she began asking for “BUS.” Apparently, she remembered playing with the Little People school bus that is now on its third generation. When we arrived, she began asking for the bus. After a bit of swinging outside, Great-grandpa joined us on the patio. He agreed to take Addy inside to get the bus, but he did not actually know what he was looking for. Addy led him in the house and began searching all the rooms. They came back outside empty-handed. Great-grandma and Mommy had a good laugh as we explained that “BUS” was the old toy from upstairs. Addy eventually found the bus and enjoyed loading it up with all the people. She insisted they enter through the door, but she would always forget to close the door before driving away, so there were quite a few accidents in the grass as the people fell out and were run over. Later, Great-grandpa became Addy’s new pal as he hid a ceramic dog figurine in his shirt pocket. She was thrilled with this game and kept saying, “WOOF WOOF!”

Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes