Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Adelline is AMUSING at 10 Months

This has definitely been the month where Addy has started doing so many new things from day to day that it’s hard to keep up with all her antics! She is a ham around other people, especially kids, and we’re really starting to see her sparkly, determined, and high-energy personality. I think we may have our work cut out for us with this little girl!

Mommy always wondered if the day would come when letting Addy run naked would be a bad idea. Welcome to that day! While waiting to get into the bathtub, Addy proceeded to grin mischievously before going to the bathroom all over the rug. Let’s just say she’s a well-hydrated little girl.

Addy had a great time with the Roltgen family while Mommy and Daddy took their free trip to Mexico. She was able to visit with Aunt Sara, Aunt Betsey, Uncle Kevin, her cousins Tessa and Jack, Uncle Thomas, Aunt Angie, Grandma Gretchen, Grandpa Bob, Great-aunt Therese, Great-grandma Alice, and Uncle Jay. Aunt Sara and Addy were BFFs by the time the weekend was over. When Addy saw Mommy and Daddy for the first time after being gone for four days, a big smile lit up her face. The next morning, she said, MA MA and signed “more” during breakfast!

When Addy is done, the food starts flying off her tray onto the floor. Sometimes she does a fake-out by holding the “O” or piece of fruit hostage over the floor before changing her mind and moving it into her mouth.

While visiting family in Colby, Mommy and Addy went out to eat at Highview with Grandma Vicky, Grandpa Mark, Aunt Britty, Uncle Eric, and Aunt Lyddia. Toward the end of dinner, Addy was getting a little antsy, so Mommy picked her up only to discover that “pancakes” were apparently on the menu. There on the highchair seat was a perfectly shaped “sweet potato” pancake. After much laughter, Mommy did manage to recruit some helpers to clean up the mess!

Addy finally says MA MA and G-MA. We think she may have said UP and DONE.

Addy “prays” by clapping her hands together when we say, “Amen.” This sometimes leads to “patty cake,” as it is difficult to discern whether one is praying or playing patty cake, since it’s the same basic motion. “Patty cake” is followed by “roll em’ up” with hands getting caught on elbows, so then we know we are done praying.

One night, Addy was very energetic before bedtime. Daddy decided it would be a good idea to play hide-and-seek and encourage her to do hot laps around the living room rather than go to bed. One hour past Addy’s bedtime, Mommy said it was time to try settling down. Addy proceeded to start rolling around and laughing. What a silly girl! She finally did go to sleep at 8:30 p.m.

Addy likes to stand up next to the bathtub and reach into the running water. She also puts her arm up and says, “Huh,” to tell you, “I want my bath toys from up in the corner.” She then throws the toys into the tub, with or without water in it.

Addy’s latest mealtime antic is to pull the spoonful of food out of her mouth with her fingers or hit the spoon out of Mommy or Daddy’s hand if she doesn’t approve of the food being served. Luckily, Mommy and Daddy are experts at spooning in food between pieces of hot ticket items such as Mum Mums, cheese, and prunes! We also use Addy’s iron drops to entice her to eat her breakfast.

Daddy has coined the phrase “quinoa butt” in reference to the pebbly pieces of quinoa that seem to pass directly through Addy’s digestive system and get plastered to her backside. They are very difficult to clean up and usually require a butt dip in the bathtub!

Addy holds the cell phone up to her ear or mouth to talk. She also “types” on the I-pad and cell phone screens. She tries doing this on Mommy’s cell phone, but it does not have a touch screen. Soon she will figure out just how old-school Mommy really is!

The cashier at Ben Franklin in Monona gave Addy her first balloon. She was absolutely thrilled and played with it the entire time Mommy ran a few errands.

When we ask Addy to chew up her food, she covers her teeth with her lips and acts like a ventriloquist dummy, chomping her lips together rapidly and pretending to chew.

When we ask Addy to eat finger foods one at a time, she usually interprets this to mean 10 pieces at a time in her mouth.

Addy loves imitating everything. If Mommy is wiping up the floor, Addy pretends to wipe up the floor. If Mommy is cooking, Addy starts taking the pots and pans out of the cupboard. Unfortunately, Addy has yet to imitate us picking up her toys and cleaning up her messes!

Addy stays busy in the kitchen by playing with magnets and papers on the refrigerator.

Addy has become quite the little monkey in church. It’s a world wrestling federation match starting with the opening hymn and continuing all the way to the final strains of the closing song. Antics include playing peek-a-boo with people behind us, babbling, squirming, crying, whining, flipping through the hymnal, throwing toys, back arching to escape Mommy and Daddy’s arms, laughing, making faces, sniffing, and monkeying around. Some older women have been so kind as to bring Addy books from the children’s basket in the back of church. She promptly throws these on the floor. Hmmmm, I guess we don’t need your parenting assistance after all!

Addy likes to do the “sprinkler” with one arm behind her head and the other pumping water out in front of her body when she’s really excited.

Addy figured out how to open the garbage and recycling cans and is fascinated by them.

Addy has officially pushed her bedtime back to 8:15 p.m. The hour before bed involves Mommy and Daddy trying to encourage calm activities like puzzles and books while Addy does laps around the living room, rolls around the rug and over pillows, giggles, screams, and acts like a wild animal. It’s so hard not to laugh!

The sass is starting already. Addy tossed her triangle musical instrument across the living room when Mommy took the cell phone away and continues to throw head and back arching tantrums over getting her diaper changed.

While we were visiting J. Fisk in River Falls, Addy woke up from a nap and proceeded to take off her diaper and stomp around in her poop. Mommy learned a valuable lesson about making sure Addy goes to bed with her pajama bottoms on!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Adelline is A TALKER at 9 Months

People always have advice to share with new parents, and I’ve really taken a lot of it to heart. Some of my favorites include:

It goes way too fast, so hang on to every moment.

The days are long, but the weeks fly by.

Enjoy every day, kid, because it doesn’t seem like that long ago when you were just a little girl.

You draw on patience you never knew you had.

By the end of the day, you are so exhausted, physically and mentally, that any requests made by your husband feel akin to organ donation!

Anyone who thinks being a stay-at-home mom isn’t tough, guess again!

Mommy was driving to a baby shower with Aunt Britty and Addy in the backseat. Addy kept playing with the tissue paper in the shower gift and trying to pull it out. Aunt Britty was getting irritated after taking it away from her several times. Mommy had to laugh as she finally heard Aunt Britty say, “Presley, I mean Addy, stop it!” And who claims she never yells at her dog? 

Mommy likes to remind Daddy every day: “You are the protector of Addy’s head, skin, and emotional well-being.” Sometimes Addy and Daddy get so busy playing, they forget about being careful, wearing sunscreen, and taking a minute for hugs and kisses after falls.

Addy LOVES our neighbors’ cats. She chases them all over their house and then sits up on her knees, waves her arms wildly, and “talks” to them. “Ahhhhhh (hi kitty) ahhhhhh (wanna play?) ahhhhhh (can I pull your tail?) ahhhhhhh (why are you running away?).” That is Mommy’s interpretation of what Addy is saying to the cats!

When Addy wants something now, she leans forward, reaches with her arm and hand, and says, “Huh.”

While visiting Daddy at school, Lizzie Duffy, one of our high school babysitters came up to say hello. When Addy heard Lizzie’s voice, she immediately burst into tears and tried to crawl further into Daddy’s arms. We were amazed she associated Lizzie’s voice with us leaving even at school!

Addy loves opening cabinets and emptying them of their contents. She also likes taking a taste or two as she’s exploring. Today’s cuisine of choice: toilet paper!

We have found Addy’s first “disliked” food: asparagus. How did we figure this out? Shortly after setting a few pieces on her tray, they were flying onto the floor. That’s okay. More for Mommy and Daddy!

Addy said her first word at 9½ months—DA DA! She even managed to say it when Grandpa Mark, Grandma Vicky, and Aunt Lyddia were visiting.

When Addy gets tired, she buries her face in her blanket on the floor. One day, Mommy was feeding Eli his bottle and singing a lullaby while Addy was in the Jumperoo. Addy tried tipping her head over and snuggling into the Jumperoo to fall asleep.

Addy “helps” Daddy unload the dishwasher by taking out the clean silverware…and either throwing it on the floor or sucking on it! We’ve now taught her how to hand it to us. Next up—putting it away.

Addy has really started talking—LA LA, GA GA, and DA DA are her favorites. No MA MA, of course!

The doctor said Addy is doing well with her nine-month skills. She has good eye contact, social skills, and fine and gross motor development. Her language is a little behind, but she seems to be a more physical baby. We were assured that her language skills will catch up eventually. No worries.

Addy can locate her car and loves the under-the-seat storage feature best. Mommy and Daddy filled it with juice lids, which she enjoys putting in and taking out over and over and over again.

When asked, Addy can find her bib, the parrot on her Jumperoo, ball, books, and hat.

Addy has lots of important “routines” around the house including pulling cookbooks off the shelf to find a recipe, unloading the snack cabinet in the kitchen, opening and closing the microwave and touching the plate and light, pointing at and wanting to play with the breakables on the shelf in her room, snuggling with her blanket and touching her guardian angel picture after naptime, and opening and closing Mommy’s music box.

Addy was always fascinated by the outlet with the carbon monoxide detector until pulling on it one day and finding out what happens when it gets unplugged. The ear-piercing sound emitted was enough to keep her away from it ever since.

While Mommy was at a bachelorette party one weekend, Daddy and Addy had some father-daughter bonding time. Mommy thought she had left enough instructions, but she forgot to include: No rides in the MR2 convertible!

Mommy always wondered if the day would come when letting Addy run naked would be a bad idea. Welcome to that day! While waiting to get into the bathtub, Addy proceeded to grin mischievously before going to the bathroom all over the rug. Let’s just say she’s a well-hydrated little girl.

On the last day of daycare, Addy crawled over and kissed Eli several times. Daddy commented that Eli was being a “typical male” by leading Addy along and getting a kiss from her before taking off overseas for the summer. I think Daddy may have been recalling something from his own life! Hmmmm…

Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes