Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Adelline is ADVENTUROUS at 8 Months

What a memorable month with an unexpected family vacation to Orlando as Daddy had an opportunity to attend an education conference at NASA courtesy of the military. We had so much fun enjoying the sunshine and visiting Seaworld. Addy’s first plane ride went well, considering Mommy was by herself, the flight was three hours long, it took place during Addy’s normal bedtime, and Mommy was supposed to keep an eight-month-old on her lap the entire time! Addy was a trooper, as she stayed up until 10 that night helping Mommy gather luggage and make shuttle arrangements to the hotel. The trip home was a lot easier with help from Daddy and a nun on the flight between Milwaukee and Madison.

Addy likes to “dance” to “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” the song that is played at the end of her recordable book from Great-grandma Adelle and Great-grandpa Lawrence. She sits up on her knees, bounces, and flaps her arms.

Addy’s memory is really improving. It’s much harder to hide things she’s not supposed to be playing with. She knows exactly where the keys are hanging in the kitchen and reaches for them every time we walk by!

After much discussion, Mommy and Daddy decided that enough was enough during the second week of naptime antics. It was a showdown as Addy pulled herself to standing and screamed for 30 minutes before passing out face down in the crib. Ever since then, naptime has returned to normal!

One night before bath, Daddy yelled to Mommy in the kitchen, “Ahhhhh, Mom, could you please come here and help us out?” Mommy arrived to find a naked baby standing next to the bathtub with a turd stuck in her butt. Apparently, this is a job for moms!

Addy now pulls herself to standing without help using the coffee table, crib, couch, or anything else she can reach.

Addy has started “shooting” the basketball into her hoop.

Addy finds her blankie, “Rudolph” book, and bib when asked to locate these items.

Addy gives high fives and waves “hi.”

Addy enjoyed her first airplane ride this month as Mommy flew with her to meet Daddy in Orlando. Many people on the plane helped out by making faces and playing peek-a-boo! The first-class travelers may not have been as impressed by Addy’s attempts to pull back the curtains separating first-class from coach, kick the seats, grab ice cubes out of Mommy’s cup, and squawk intermittently.

Addy had an exciting day at Seaworld in Orlando. As we waited in the parking lot for the next available trolley, Addy proceeded to urinate through her diaper, down Daddy’s arm, and onto the ground. Mommy and Daddy just stared in disbelief before starting to laugh.

Addy loved being in Orlando. We could tell by her arm flapping, nose crinkling and sniffing, and waving to strangers.

At the airport check-in desk, Daddy had a momentary loss of memory as he couldn’t spell Addy’s legal name. Before we left, the agent jokingly recommended that he learn how to spell his daughter’s name for the next time he flies!

Addy seems to be getting over her stranger anxiety. She tolerated a few new babysitters, and she was happy leaving Mommy’s arms at the last family gathering at Aunt Britty and Uncle Eric’s house.

Addy loves Presley, Aunt Britty and Uncle Eric’s dog. She starts smiling and flapping her arms wildly whenever he is around.

Addy is still hesitant to crawl on or touch the grass outside. She will stay on the blanket when we go out to play. Mommy and Daddy are happy that she can still be “contained,” at least for a few more weeks!

Addy is an avid reader. Her librarian grandmas will be so proud! She helps turn pages and enjoys her bedtime stories. She will often find her books and read by herself for a few minutes each day. Addy’s favorite books are “Baby Animals Touch and Feel” and “In My House,” which also features various textures throughout the pages.

Addy decided to start climbing up the basement stairs all by herself. What a big girl!

During meals, Addy says, “Mmmmmm,” after each bite of food she really likes. Right now, her favorite dish is cooked pears with mangoes and yogurt.

Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes