Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Adelline is AMUSED at 3 Months

It’s amazing how much Adelline has grown and changed over the course of four short months of life. Sadly, it’s hard to remember those early days now, and thankfully, the fatigue of those sleepless nights is also a distant memory! Addy is such a curious little girl. I love watching her play with toys. She examines every part of them and then puts them in her mouth to continue her exploration. She definitely exhausts me some days, but most of the time, we have a lot of fun when Daddy’s at work!

Mommy and Daddy can stop their “fake laughing” to try to encourage Addy to laugh more. She is a good little “giggler!”

When Grandma Vicky, Grandpa Mark, and Aunt Lyddia were down for a visit, Grandpa Mark was making funny faces and noises while dipping Addy in the air. She responded with big belly laughs. Mommy said, “I’ll have to try that technique next time.” Grandma Vicky made everyone laugh with her response, “Yeah, you’ll have to put on your nose, glasses, and moustache disguise!”

Addy has started rolling from her back to her side but seems to get stuck and very angry when she can’t make it all the way over to her tummy.

Addy loves sucking on everything, from books and toys to fingers and hands.

Thanks to Daddy’s engineering, we all climbed up on the roof for our first family Christmas picture. Aunt Britty was the photographer, as we perched on a sled at the top of the roofline to make it appear that we were “flying” through the air on a sleigh. Luckily, no one fell off the roof or the stepladder, and we even managed to get a decent picture for our Christmas card!

When Aunt Britty was here for the week, we had a hard time not laughing when we put Addy to bed. One night, Addy was grinning away at us in her crib while we were trying to say prayers. Britty was giggling as Mommy tried to keep a straight face. What a little monkey!

Addy is still working on her problem solving skills. When she drops her rattles, she will assume a yoga pose to try to suck on them in her lap, rather than use her hands to pick them up!

Addy got her first cold this month following many rounds of “pass the baby” at Thanksgiving celebrations with both sides of the family. She is a tough cookie, even when subjected to saline drops in her nose followed by the suction bulb.

Addy loves going to sleep with the blanket over her face, much to Mommy and Daddy’s dismay. We may have to take away her “blankie” and replace it with a smaller “lovie.”

Addy is very good at doing “sit-ups” with her hands around your fingers. When she gets tired, she pretends she can’t hold her head up anymore and lets it get floppy.

One night, Mommy was trying everything in her arsenal to get Addy to smile. Nothing was working. She finally decided to pull a “Ross” from “Friends” and started singing “Baby Got Back.” Well, guess who “likes big butts and I cannot lie?” Yes, that would be Addy. She thought it was hilarious!

Addy is done smiling for pictures. She assumes a deer-in-the-headlights look as soon as you get the camera out.

Addy loves her horsie lovie, bunny, maraca, rattle, mirror, stacking cups, and jingle frog. She stares longingly at the Jumperoo throughout the day, hoping Mommy will let her go back into it for more jumping!

Addy loves eating books and “helping” turn the pages.

Addy attended her first basketball game this month and enjoyed watching all the action. She wasn’t scared of the buzzers or the noisy crowd. She was a very polite fan, except for some squawking during free throws!

When Addy is hungry, she arches her back and cranks her neck around with her mouth wide open. She has also started “helping” Mommy pull her shirt up.

At times during her “growth spurts,” Addy will eat over ten ounces of milk before bedtime. Little piggy!

Addy loves her new umbrella stroller from Grandma Gretchen and Grandpa Bob for Christmas. Mommy appreciates being able to go on indoor stroller rides during these cold winter months.

When Addy is done in her Bumbo chair or Boppy pillow, she arches her back and throws her head wildly. Mommy is not impressed by this new move.

Mommy can tell when Addy’s getting tired during the day. She starts her “whimpering cry” and can’t be distracted with a book or toy. At that point, Mommy sings a lullaby, closes the shades, and tells Addy that it’s naptime. She is usually sleeping within ten minutes.

At the huge Roltgen family Thanksgiving celebration, little Grace Roltgen asked about Adelline Grace, “Is she new?”

Addy and Octotunes

Addy and Octotunes